Sunday, August 14, 2005

Hit and Run: Nuns Suspected

Walking down the pasta aisle in Asda, minding my own business, buying some supplies for the arrival of the consumer affairs correspondant. I was going to cook something special. Jambalaya. Never cooked it before. Probably wont again unless I turn out to be a culinary genius. Bend over to pick up some passatta (a key ingredient) which is a tomato basedsauce (to be added once the the rice is cooked but before you throw in the prawns) and someone rams a trolly into me (the backside incase you were wondering).
I compose myself and turn, to where the culprit should be, only to see two nuns heading off double speed away from the crime scence and into aisle 6 (home baking).
Thats right. Nuns.
Cant sit down properly or nothin.