Everyone was going on about the arrival of the Black Pearl over the weekend, the Echo had the headline "Black Pearl Sails In On Mersey Mission" and PQ was literally giddy with excitement. I assumed that the Black Pearl was coming to Liverpool as the Echo stated the ship was "the Black Pearl, featured in the Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy". Not much wiggle room there.
Now I know as much about pirates as much as the next man but when I wandered down to the docks I saw the HMS Bounty which looked liked this
which is not the Black Pearl and looks nothing like the Black Pearl which looks like the image on the right. I feel betrayed. It wasn't a fake Black Pearl. It was a different ship entirely.
which is not the Black Pearl and looks nothing like the Black Pearl which looks like the image on the right. I feel betrayed. It wasn't a fake Black Pearl. It was a different ship entirely.
Thankfully this was cleared up before people boarded and they managed to raise £25,000 for the Cutty Sark which was probably set on fire because they told some disgruntled tourist they were about board the Starship Enterprise. The Daily Post cleared things up.